Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer

Name: Prof. Dr. Meiwes-Broer
First name: Karl-Heinz
Email: meiwes(at)
Phone number: +49(0)381 498-8912
Fax number: +49(0)381 498-6802
Secretary: +49(0)381 498 6801
Our main field of research is the investigation of free clusters. We study the nonlinear response of clusters in strong laser fields, optical properties of neutral clusters in ultracold helium droplets and photoelectron electron spectroscopy of mass-selected metal clusters using VUV- free electron laser (FLASH) radiation.
In addition, the project “clusters on surfaces” investigates nano-structures on surfaces and clusters on surfaces.
- Atoms and Clusters
- Experimentalphysik IV
- Cluster und Nanoteilchen im Strahlungsfeld
short curriculum vitae
since 2007 Leader of the Department Science and Technology of Life, Light and Matter at the University of Rostock
since 2005 Spokesman of the DFG Collaborative Research CenterSFB 652 Strong correlations and collective effects in radiation fields (until 2017)
2003-2005 Head of the Institute of Physics, University of Rostock
2003-2009 Spokesman of the DFG Priority Programme 1153 Clusters in contact with surfaces
2000 Guest scientist at the Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne
1999-2006 Member of the senate committee on Research Training Groups of the German research foundation (DFG)
1997-2003 Member of the leading council of the German Physical Society (DPG)
1993 Nomination as full professor for experimental physics by the Ministerpräsident of the State Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
1992-1993 Guest professor at the University of Rostock, Germany
1989-1992 Second Assistantship: Spectroscopy on metal clusters, in particular with VUV- laser and synchrotron radiation. Cluster beam epitaxy. Several stays in US laboratories
1989 Habilitation at the Institute of Physics, University of Bielefeld, Germany
1984-1989 First Assistantship University of Bielefeld (Prof. Lutz): Spectroscopy of clusters, growth of nanostructures.
1984 Postdoc University on Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Prof. Stolte and Prof. Reuss: Reactive collisions of hexapole field-aligned symmetric top molecules with alkaline earth atoms
1983 PhD, Dr. rer. nat., Laser-molecular beams studies, Universität Bielefeld